Before any detailed design begins it is important to prepare a cost analysis. This allows us to move directly into the design phase with the assurance that the design will come in under the budget that is available. Thirty-five years of job estimating means I can provide costs that are realistic.
For a remodel or addition the style is usually one that matches the existing building, unless the style of the building is to be changed. For new buildings we can determine the style together or I can propose options. There is a huge array of resources to employ in this process.
Now the details begin. I utilize sketches extensively to create visually graphic images of every detail as needed to clarify the design. Images from the internet and design books can be very helpful at this stage. Materials and the quality of those materials can be determined to a large extent as the project proceeds. This is where the budgeting figures are essential to determine that the project stays on target. The client can be as deeply involved as they choose, or I can select materials and colors. For some projects I make all the design decisions and for other projects the owners make most of the choices--which ever way is best suited for the client.
While some clients prefer to obtain their own permits, most prefer that portion of the project to be handled professionally. I have obtained permits in over a dozen jurisdictions since 1977. That experience means the fastest possible process time with the least amount of added costs and frustration.
I like to make the initial meeting free of cost to the client. This allows for a relaxed atmosphere and gives us time to determine if we want to proceed.
James Beebe Design
Sometimes the client needs some help with the construction of the project. With over thirty years of contracting experience I am well positioned to oversee the construction project, help with the selection of contractors and negotiate pricing. That means cost savings for the client and work that flows efficiently. The final project comes in on schedule and within the projected budget. How often does that happen in the construction world?